Teaching for Learning

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Bishop Ramsey School provides a broad, ambitious and personalised learning curriculum though which we meet the needs of each individual learner and help each to realise their potential and aspirations. Quality First Teaching  is at the heart of the educational process at Bishop Ramsey and the quality of curriculum implementation is of fundamental importance in maintaining standards of achievement and maximising progress. We ensure that all teaching and support staff have access to the highest quality professional learning and promote innovation within our teaching and learning.

The school aims to:

  • implement a knowledge rich curriculum which meets the needs and aspirations of all students
  • establish a teaching and learning culture through an agreed range of practices
  • ensure staff have, as their primary target, a commitment to providing the highest standards of curriculum implementation
  • promote the view of learning as a shared responsibility
  • foster an environment where students can participate in the co-construction of learning
  • involve all staff in developing and improving the quality of Teaching and Learning
  • provide all staff with developmental opportunities to extend and enhance their range of teaching and repertoires
  • identify students’ achievement through rigorous monitoring and plan appropriate interventions to enhance their progress.

Fundamental British values

Developing students' awareness of fundamental British values is important to us at Bishop Ramsey. We look for opportunities within our PSHCE programme, the curriculum, enrichment days, sports and our extensive extra curricular provision to support the delivery of these values. Topics include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect.

High-achieving students

At Bishop Ramsey we provide an extensive programme of support, stretch, challenge and intervention for our most able students. Students are assessed and identified at the beginning of each academic year, and the register of most able, gifted and talented students is regularly reviewed and updated. Most able students benefit from extensive differentiation and regular focussed support aimed at ensuring that they are happy and achieve their maximum potential at all stages.

Downloads & Useful Links

Teaching for Learning Policy